
procurement consulting

How we work

Select product or service suppliers

Place an order with us for the product or service you need. We will select a supplier for you from the list of state-owned enterprises of the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus.

Align production deadlines

We coordinate the production timing of the contracted products at the manufacturers’ facilities and plan the logistics to your region.

Coordinate payment methods and schedules

We will accept non-freely convertible local currencies, precious metals and other liquid tangible assets. More options include Bitcoin, USDT (TRC20), payments in any other jurisdiction from third parties or cash in any form convenient for you. We will handle the payment delivery to the manufacturer’s facility.

Organize a contract signing

We will invite you to Moscow or Minsk or fly the representatives of the state-owned enterprises to sign a tripartite agreement, with our organization as the paying agent.

Perform the contract

Once your contract is in effect, we will make sure your order is completed in a timely manner and deliver the products to you as soon as they are ready.

Why us?

We are not a state-owned company.

We are fast, result-oriented private entrepreneurs. Providing the best service in the shortest possible time is of the highest priority to us. We are quick to response to customers’ inquiries and find the time for an in-person meeting. Sorting out any complicated matter is not an issue. We at are fully confident that seeing us at work will convince you to become our regular customers.


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